West Texas Coaches Enrichment Camp
When: July 4 - 7, 2023
Where: MCM Elegante Hotel & Resort ┃ Ruidoso, New Mexico
Who: Coaches and Families ┃ All Ages
Early Bird Discount: $500 for adults, $150 for children ┃ *Deadline: 6/4/2023
Registration Fee: $550 for adults, $150 for children ┃
*Deadline: 7/4/2023
Description: Our FCA Coaches & Family Camp in Ruidoso, New Mexico at MCM Elegante Hotel & Resort offers a relaxing time for everyone. While the Coaches and Spouses are in their training time, we offer a Kids Camp for all ages, from Newborn - Incoming high school seniors.
**For questions, email Jocelyn Kennedy (jkennedy@fca.org).